Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Collective

The Danger

“Extra, Extra. Read all about it. Terminator robots are on the rampage, killing all humans.”

Is this a real danger? How about being assimilated by the Borg on Star Trek?

Some people fear we will lose control of all technology when it becomes smarter than us. Should we worry about this? Are we all doomed?

I think the future is safe for these reasons…

There is a fundamental difference between machines and humans: Procreation

A great deal of human behavior is driven by the need to procreate. We need to pass on our genes to the next generation.

Evolution has given us behaviors that ensure we procreate. One of these behaviors is our instinct to survive long enough to procreate.

Another instinct is our need to control the environment, thereby increasing our individual reproductive success.

Machines don’t have this need to procreate, since factories make machines. They also don’t fear death, since they have nothing to lose.

Why should they possibly want to take over the world? What’s the point?

Likewise, the concept of evolution is meaningless to machines…Remember, the evolution of machines is driven by human need. It is for humans alone that machines evolve.


I like to compare machines to ants.

Worker ants don’t reproduce. Their only purpose in life is to serve the colony.

It doesn’t matter to the ant if it dies. An ant’s value comes from how well it serves the colony.

In the same way, machines exist only to serve society.

However, the ants in the colony will do whatever it takes to protect the colony. They will attack and kill all intruders. They also hunt to feed the colony.

It is possible that the Internet will become conscious and self aware in the future. Is this a danger? I don’t think so.

The reason is because the Internet is composed of billions of machines and connections. A key component of the Internet is humans. The Internet is an extension of and an integral part of human society. Therefore, the Internet will not harm humans, because by doing so it will only harm itself.

The Internet will however act to protect itself from all perceived treats. This is good news because now we are dealing with treats to the environment.

Also, the Internet will protect us from Terminator style robots because we are it and it is us.

The real “danger” is that we will no longer be permitted to harm the harm the environment or others.

The Collective

Another real danger is assimilation into the Borg Collective.

People, such as me, are already melding with technology.

There is a fundamental difference between this Collective and that that found on Star Trek. On Star Trek, those who are assimilated lose all humanity and turn into machines. That is, they are expendable.

In the real world, the Collective will have an infinite capacity for diversity. There is space for any version of you that you want to turn yourself into and only you have the choice of what you will become.

In any case, some will still consider this a loss of our humanity. After all, can a person with altered DNA or cyborg implants be considered to be human? Is that guy with the cochlear implant or artificial heart still human? How about that lady who had gene therapy?

Human Reserves

However, assimilation is optional.

Just as we have nature reserves, places will be set aside for those who want to keep their traditions and refuse to take part in the great changes taking place.

Take the Zoë tribe of the Amazon as an example. In order to protect their culture, the Brazilian government made the Zoë’s territory into a natural preserve and forbade anyone from entering it.

You have a choice:

  1. Embrace the Internet and evolve into Human 2.0
  2. Spend the rest of your life in a human reserve

There is no other choice because Human 1.0 will never be able to keep up with the rapidly evolving technology of the future. Only Human 2.0 will be able to steer, guide and understand the evolving technology of the future.

People in the human reserve will never know there is anything beyond them. They will, like the Zoë, be trapped forever in a moment in history. They will be happy and without any needs, but they will always be dependent on forces beyond their understanding and control.

I could never live like this. Becoming Human 2.0 means letting go of the past, and embracing infinite possibilities.

Either way, the world as we know it will soon cease to exist, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. I just hope this doesn’t cause World War 3.

Evolution is Contagious

Viruses have the ability to swap genes with host organisms. Is it possible that viruses are the driving force behind evolution?

Natural selection cannot create new species. It can only change the distribution of traits within a breeding population. This is microevolution.

At best, microevolution can only reduce the number of traits expressed within a species. By species I mean, a group of organisms that can reproduce when the male of the species joins with the female of the species to produce fertile offspring. This is a breeding population.

Some life forms can reproduce asexually by various means, such as sporing and cell division. Normally we think of species and breeding population as being the same thing. However, when it comes to asexual reproduction, this doesn’t apply. Each member of these “species” is a member of their own breeding population. We refer to them as members of the same species in order to properly classify them.

Scientists have proposed mutation as a means of creating new species. Unfortunately this will not work. Here’s why.

Let’s say a mutation creates a creature that belongs to its very own breeding population. Who will it breed with to perpetuate the new species? It cannot breed with its own species because it’s the only one. It cannot breed with its parent’s species because of the newly formed species barrier.

Some species can overcome this problem by self-fertilization. When enough members of the new species are born, regular sexual reproduction can continue. Some animal species produce hundreds of eggs at a time. This can bypass the above problem since the hatched creatures can reproduce among themselves.

What the mutation process can do is increase the genetic diversity of a species.

Unfortunately, the mutation rate of a single species is almost zero. If you rely on this mechanism alone, the genetic diversity around us would never come into existence.

Fortunately, there is a way out. It also explains why we share more genes with other species than would be expected otherwise.

On The Farm

Imagine a pig and chicken farm. A common virus infects the chickens.

Like all viruses, the little bugs swap genes with their hosts. In this case, the viruses obtain the genes that code for feathers.

The viruses then proceed to infect the sperm and egg cells of the pigs.

The pigs show no outward signs of infection and the farmer does nothing.

While in the new host, the virus starts swapping genes between itself and the host organism. The genes swapped are the genes that code for feathers.

Unfortunately, this has rendered the eggs and sperm incompatible with the eggs and sperm of non-infected pigs.

The farmer then breeds the pigs with each other without any problems, since all the sperm and eggs of the pigs have the same genetic alteration and are therefore compatible. The hundreds of piglets produced now have the unique genes. They can breed with each other but not with regular pigs.

This makes them members of their own species.

Genetic Diversity

It probably takes billions of generations for new non-harmful genes to come into existence for a single species. Let’s call this the mutation rate of a species.

But what if you multiply the mutation rate of that species with the mutation rate of all the plants in the world plus all the animals in the world plus all the viruses and bacteria in the world?

The generation of new genes throughout the world should be relatively common. Through the agency of viruses, the new gene slowly spreads throughout the ecosystem, like ink spreading across a pond. The species that can take advantage of these genes will do so with the result that a new trait has come into existence within that species.

This way a species can benefit from genetic mutation without the normal risks associated with it. Some genes have a radical effect on the appearance of plants and animals. This is what causes the Doberman to look so different from a poodle.

A newly acquired gene could cause a new species to take on characteristics that are radically different from its parent species.

Might evolution to work this way?

When pigs fly, I guess. Smile

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Curved Space? – Baloney

According to Einstein, matter causes space to curve. According to this theory, gravity is the curvature of space and not a physical force like magnetism.

1. ModelThis is modeled using a marble on a sheet of rubber. The marble deforms the sheet, forming the curve.

Curved Space-Time
(Courtesy online.physics.uiuc.edu)

If you place another marble on the rubber sheet, both marbles will eventually come together. If you roll a second marble, it will curve around the first marble.

Moon Attracted to Earth
(Courtesy LesToilesDeLUnivers.fr)

Additionally, light bends around celestial bodies because of the curvature of space.

Light Bending

Observation and Expectation
Experiments have shown that light does indeed curve around celestial bodies. During an eclipse, it was shown that light from distant stars was bending around the sun from.

According to theory, light has no mass, which is why the only way for light to curve is because space is curved.

A Critical Flaw
This model seems to explain everything, but it is fundamentally flawed - It only works on Earth.

If you take the model into outer space, it stops working. Objects still bend when travelling on the surface, but they no longer attract each other.

This can mean one of two things: either the model is incorrect, or there is a force external to the universe and affecting the universe. Either way, we haven’t yet discovered the true nature of gravity.

A force is acting perpendicularly to our Universe.
This force pushes mass downwards, curving space.
A second mass then curves around the first when rolled, as expected.

Rainbow Gravity
Recently an interesting theory has appeared. It's called Rainbow Gravity. According to the theory gravity affects different wavelengths of light, like a prism. Large scale experiments are currently under way to see if the theory is valid.

If the only reason light curves is because space is curved, then clearly Rainbow Gravity is wrong.

But what if Rainbow Gravity is correct?

Energy as Mass

From Wikipedia.org:

  • Newton's law of universal gravitation states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Mass of Earth: 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
Diameter of Earth at equator12,750 km

6.673×10−11 × M× s

Force at surface of


Inertia Fields

What are inertia fields and do they exist? This article attempts to answer that question by comparing an electric system with a gravitational system. The inertia field can explain where the energy of a gravitational system is stored when the energy is no longer stored in the gravitational field.

A gravitational capacitor (Fig. 1A) is made of a neutral massive ring with a neutral mass-less tube in the center. At the top of the tube is a neutral massive ball. When the ball is at the top of the tube, there is a gravitational potential between the ring and the ball, just as there is an electrical potential between the plates of a charged electrical capacitor (Fig 1B). The gravitational capacitor has all its energy stored initially in the gravitational field, just as a charged electrical capacitor has all its energy stored in the electrical field.

Releasing the ball from rest from the top of the gravitational capacitor is like shorting a charged electric capacitor. When we short out the charged electric capacitor, the negative charge on one plate of the capacitor accelerates under the influence of the electric field towards the other plate of the capacitor. When we release the ball in the gravitational capacitor from rest, it accelerates toward the ring.

When the ball is in the center of the ring of the gravitational capacitor, gravity loses its effect since it can no longer bring the masses any closer together (Fig 2A). At this point, the ball has its greatest velocity, since the gravitational potential is zero.

When enough electric charge moves to the other plate of the electric capacitor, the voltage between the two plates goes to zero (Fig. 2B). At this point, the current flowing between the plates is it its maximum. The current continues to flow even though there’s no electric field. We explain this by saying that the current generates a magnetic field. When electric charges accelerate, energy is stored in a magnetic field. In the electric capacitor, the electric current is at its maximum when the voltage difference goes to zero. At this point, all the energy of the system is stored in the magnetic field. Negative charge starts to accumulate on the plate that was previously positive (Fig. 3B). The current decreases and the energy stored in the magnetic field are transfers to the electric field.

In the gravitational capacitor, when the ball is in the center of the ring, the ball’s velocity is at its maximum. The ball’s momentum causes it to move away from the ring. As the ball moves away from the ring, it decelerates because of gravity. The ball comes to a stop on the other side of the ring with all the energy of the system again stored as gravitational potential (Fig. 3A). When the ball is in the center of the ring, where is the energy of the system stored if it is not stored in the gravitational field? Just as in an electric system where the energy of the moving charge is stored in the magnetic field, the energy of a moving mass could be stored in an inertia field. In the gravitational field capacitor, when the ball is in the center of the ring and its velocity is greatest, all the energy of the system is stored in the inertia field. As the ball slows down after it moves away from the ring, the energy stored in the inertia field transfers to the gravitational field until the ball comes to a rest. Then all the energy of the system is again stored in the gravitational field.

An inertia field would explain why an object at rest stays at rest and an object in constant uniform motion doesn’t change its velocity, unless acted upon by an external force. Just like a magnetic field, inertial fields store energy, and so in order for an object to change its velocity, energy must be either added to or taken from the inertia field. Another similarity between magnetic fields and inertia fields is that just as a moving electric charge creates a magnetic field, a moving mass creates an inertia field. Just as an electric charge moving in a magnetic field experiences a force perpendicular to the magnetic field and the direction of motion of the charge, a mass moving in an inertia field should experience a force perpendicular to the inertia field and the direction of the moving mass. Just as magnetic lines of force around a current carrying wire can be seen by sprinkling metal filing on a piece of paper next to the wire, inertial lines of force around a fluid carrying pipe, such as the Alaska Pipeline, should be able to be seen by sprinkling dust on a flat surface next to the pipe.

We should be able to measure the force exerted on a moving mass in an inertia field by measuring the torque exerted on a spinning gyroscope next to a pipeline that contains a fast moving liquid. Since the gravitational force is so much weaker than the electrical force the force felt by a moving mass in an inertia field should be correspondingly weaker than the force felt by a moving electric charge in a magnetic field. This may be why no one detected inertia fields before.

Super Carbon

Carbon can form many structures. Some structures include Bucky Balls, Carbon Nanotubes, graphite and diamond. However, here’s a structure I’ve never seen, perhaps because it doesn’t form in nature.

Consider a 3-D structure of carbon atoms forming sheets. Carbon atoms in the middle connect the sheets. (Carbon has 4 valence electrons that potentially can form connections with 4 different atoms.)

All together, they form the structure below. Such a structure will probably need to be formed one atom at a time.

This should form a super strong building material superior to current carbon fiber material.