One of them is, how do we move people efficiently from floor to floor, without taking up too much space for elevator shafts? Also, what when the building needs to be evacuated because of an emergency?
Imagine if you will…
Skytropolis is a super skyscraper that soars 5 miles into the air and uses over 100 acres of land. It’s built entirely from the super construction material carbon, without the use of structural steel or concrete.
For transportation, Skytropolis has its own airport. In addition, Skytropolis has an ingenious elevator system. This system is based on our familiar highway system. There is a parking lane, a slow lane and a fast lane.
In order to keep the elevator cars running fast, a maximum of five stops are listed for each trip.
The whole system is computer controlled. For security reasons, the computer is isolated from the network. Service people use dedicated terminals in order to maintain the system.
The computer decides on the most efficient way to reach the desired floors based on which buttons are pressed. Every time a car reaches a stop, it adds a new stop to the list. That means it takes a maximum of 5 stops to get to your destination.
Imagine being a visitor to Skytropolis. You press the elevator button and in seconds, the doors open and people enter and exit. You are about to step in but realize the car is not going to your floor. You wait a minute and finally the car going to your floor arrives.
The car checks if the way is clear and starts to move upwards and to the right, where the slow lane is located. Here the car speeds up. At this point, the elevator merges with the fast lane. When it comes close to its destination, it merges with the slow lane, and then finally moves left to its destination. If there is a car at the destination, it waits one floor away until that car moves.
For security, the city has two attack helicopters and a military jet to ensure only approved craft enters Skytropolis’ airspace.
Skytropolis also has fire-fighting helicopters and ambulances that can rescue people from any floor. They dock at specifically designed locations on the building.
In addition, Skytropolis also has lifeboats for emergency use. The lifeboats are air vehicles designed to move people to the nearest landing area. In the case of an emergency, people enter the boat. When the boat is full, you press a button. The boat automatically launches and flies itself to a predetermined safe location.
On September 11, 2001, commercial aircraft collided with the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Both towers collapsed. Can you imagine if the World Trade Center in New York had such lifeboats or at least landing pads?
Lifeboats are required for all skyscrapers over 50 stories high. In addition, landing pads are required so Emergency vehicles can land on retractable landing pads, allowing easy evacuation of the building. They are similar to the above people ramps, except they are bigger and are only required on every 30th floor.
The introduction of affordable sky cars will compel sky scrapper owners to add garages for the use of tenants and guests. This would serve as natural emergency exits.
The interior of Skytropolis contains space for industry. Here are located the factories, recycling centers, and communication systems needed to operate the city. Power comes from wind, sun and geothermal energy.
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